Daily French weather forecast

In France the weather is classed with winters are cool to cold with mild summers.

The weather in France

Weather alerts and warning

The official weather office, MeteoFrance has a web page with warnings and alerts which is updated in real time.

Vigilance Meteofrance

Flood levels

Flood levels for all the French waterways, rivers and canals are listed and updated in real time on the following site

Detailed weather information

Satellite weather image of France

Colder conditions (and snow) are located in the mountain regions of the Jura, Savoie, Pyrenees, Massif Central and Morvan regions.

The Mediterranean coast experiences very mild winters but very hot summers.

The North-West area, especially Brittany has higher rain falls than the rest of the country.

Prevailing winds

The "Mistral" is the most famous, blowing down the Rhone valley and the southern areas.

The "Tramontane" blows from the north-west to the south east below the mountains of the Pyrenees.

The "Autan" is the opposite to the Tramontane blowing from the south-east, coming in from the Mediterranean sea.